Monday, September 21, 2009

The challenge as I see it is not in living a Spiritual life for what ever we do is living a Spiritual the challenge is living a life we think someone else wants us to live...because that is what someone’s idea of a Spiritual life is...why don’t we just live with the idea that we will harm none...our self included...if we did that and nothing else what a wonderful world this would need for a legal system...lawyers, law enforcement, judges or would be necessary if only we lived to harm none...begin to see the good in others...learning how destructive our anger is to ourselves as well as others...learning that life is an idea...a thought in our mind...that is all...a young friend of mine last Saturday got so irate because USC lost their game...well they deserved to lose for they played a terrible game...but to get so upset we would post on facebook how irate they were...and this young man is a very good person...searching as many people are to find their way in life...He has come so far in life with his anger issues...for he is an extremely intelligent young man...Anyway I send blessings to him that he allows life to guide him for the highest good of all and more power to him...for his heart is good...

Today is a day to just let it all hang out...wish I could for I am a nudist at heart...This blog of Spirituality is not at all like the other I write for White Dove Books in the UK...That one I am not quiet as open as I plan on being here for this one...religion to me has little or nothing to do with living a Spiritual is to be many experiences as we can possibly is to be loving and much in as many difference ways as possible...when we deny ourselves any experience...we are in effect denying growth in our lives...See, touch, smell, hear every experience we possibly times it seems impossible that I have experienced so many things in life...had the privilege to do and to know all of the wonderful people in my experience such intimate times with so many...I learned so much and yet know so little...for the more I learn...the more I realize how little I really much there is out there to learn and experience...To put myself in the position of being able to move into my next role in life...what ever it may be...friend...lover...companion...whatever it may be...I must first be it to myself...What ever we are inside is what we draw to all situations...change our thoughts...change our lives...

Religion to me appears to be a group of closed minded matter their faith or sect...I see this even in the metaphysical community that gather together in churches...or groups...yes, I am sure there are matters I am closed minded about...I find things everyday that surprise me with the initial that comes when that happens I can look at what ever it may be...see if that is truly my thought or something that was lodged there as a son tells me to lighten up on myself for I wasn’t nearly as bad a parent as I think I was...merely different...of course that is basically the definition of me for most of my that is ok...I can handle different...for I am not dependent upon others to define or approve of who I am...I can live with me and that is what the Spiritual life is all about learning to live with who we are and liking it...

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