Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am sitting here thinking what ever it is I am thinking and decided to write just what ever comes to mind and even though I am writing it on Wednesday doesn’t mean it will see the light of day on Wednesday or even ever as far as that goes.

It is all a part of the Spiritual Journey as is all things. Yes all things. Yes even when we go into that private little room and do our business for that is merely another way this space suit we call a body eliminates the waste from our bodily systems.

Our minds also have to eliminate the waste that accumulates there. That is a large challenge our society has today for instead of eliminating the waste that accumulates there they allow it to build up until the mental system is overloaded with waste and it goes boom resulting in a system meltdown.

A huge part of this journey is learning to control or emotions as well as our actions. We must learn to control our emotions for this is the largest thing in our area of manifestation.

Thoughts Feelings ( emotions) Actions equal Results or TFAR.

That is the totality of the secret of Creating / Attracting / manifesting our wildest desires.

That coupled with the FAITH that it WILL happen not that it may or might but that it will happen and sooner rather than latter.

When we get the right FAITH we can put out our hand and expect to find in it what ever it is we desire.

Do I have that now almost and I believe that before I breath my last breath I will have it.

I AM only to the point where when I desire or require something it does come in it’s own good time. It is never late or early but just right as Spirit always is. I do believe there are those advanced beings among us that are capable of these types of things.

I see all of the things that are here now in my living room. All of my books, dvds, cds, cassettes, direct TV box, My ancient TV of which I am grateful, I speaker systems along with receivers, cd, dvd, cassette players.

The electric lights all of these things that are miracles since I was born in 1943. Yes 66 years of material development and a vast jump in Spiritual knowledge as well moving from the control of the many cults that call themselves Chruchs.

Were you aware that one of the definitions of Cult is “anyone that believes different from you”.

I love this more free thinking world, however those in power fear thinking people and call them dangerous individuals as our forefathers were.

Dangerous to the status quo, to the way things are.

I dream of a time when one will say why not instead of why.

I dream of a time when every one will say with me I love you and believe in you.

That is my gift to you today and every day for I say to you. I love you and Believe in YOU.


Thoughts of MANIFESTATION on a Wednesday
I am sitting here thinking what ever it is I am thinking and decided to write just what ever comes to mind and even though I am writing it on Wednesday doesn’t mean it will see the light of day on Wednesday or even ever as far as that goes.

One never knows when our editor or moderator or whatever he is called will get around to reading it and decide if it meets the criteria of the site.

Well, that is his job and mine is to write. It is all a part of the Spiritual Journey as is all things. Yes all things. Yes even when we go into that private little room and do our business for that is merely another way this space suit we call a body eliminates the waste from our bodily systems.

Our minds also have to eliminate the waste that accumulates there. That is a large challenge our society has today for instead of eliminating the waste that accumulates there they allow it to build up until the mental system is overloaded with waste and it goes boom resulting in a system meltdown.

A huge part of this journey is learning to control or emotions as well as our actions. We must learn to control our emotions for this is the largest thing in our area of manifestation.

Thoughts Feelings ( emotions) Actions equal Results or TFAR.

That is the totality of the secret of Creating / Attracting / manifesting our wildest desires.

That coupled with the FAITH that it WILL happen not that it may or might but that it will happen and sooner rather than latter.

When we get the right FAITH we can put out our hand and expect to find in it what ever it is we desire.

Do I have that now almost and I believe that before I breath my last breath I will have it.

I AM only to the point where when I desire or require something it does come in it’s own good time. It is never late or early but just right as Spirit always is. I do believe there are those advanced beings among us that are capable of these types of things.

I see all of the things that are here now in my living room. All of my books, dvds, cds, cassettes, direct TV box, My ancient TV of which I am grateful, I speaker systems along with receivers, cd, dvd, cassette players.

The electric lights all of these things that are miracles since I was born in 1943. Yes 66 years of material development and a vast jump in Spiritual knowledge as well moving from the control of the many cults that call themselves Chruchs.

Were you aware that one of the definitions of Cult is “anyone that believes different from you”.

I love this more free thinking world, however those in power fear thinking people and call them dangerous individuals as our forefathers were.

Dangerous to the status quo, to the way things are.

I dream of a time when one will say why not instead of why.

I dream of a time when every one will say with me I love you and believe in you.

That is my gift to you today and every day for I say to you. I love you and Believe in YOU.